Environment Monitoring System Futaba Taiwan
Environmental Monitoring System Services
Environmental Monitoring System Services
We provide environmental monitoring solutions that can integrate various sensors, monitor environmental data, and link automation control equipment.

The system can connect with various environmental controllers and sensing devices which are setting where you need, such as air-conditioning equipment, computer facilities, access control, power, fire control, environmental control, and CCTV image monitoring systems, etc. You can get in-time monitoring data and remote control through the admin console settings which can ensure the safety and management of facilities and improve work efficiency and reduce operating costs.

We provide appropriate planning according to the fulfill clients’ demand; system features:
- Dynamic Driver Library
- Distributed Database
- Real-time Data Query
- History Query
- Multiple Communication Interface
- Alarm by Level Setting
- Authority Management

- 法務部法醫研究所
- 天二科技
- 台虹科技股份有限公司 (台灣/崑山)
- 光寶電子股份有限公司 (台灣/墨西哥)
- 高雄榮民總醫院
- 全台晶像
- 高雄市政府社會局
- 傑農合作農場
- 種苗改良繁殖場
- 青松果菜生產合作社


Custom-made Solution Design

Solutions - IoT in Agriculture

Solutions - IoT in Agriculture - 抽水機控制

Solutions - IoT Dashboard 1

Solutions - IoT Dashboard 2

Solutions - IoT Dashboard 3